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[impartial tao]

[by natalie fineman

i'm a part of the skin that scratches, the veins that crave nectar that has become sustenance, survival's new fruits. i'm in the eyes that shift, glossy or dull, doubting and lost.  the sleep walkers that refuse to acknowledge breath and clutching "special".  i am connected to dishonest ones spinning lies across a wheel with such ferocity, gold is expected in shimmering ribbons. i am woven in the same fabric as the selfish myopics who brag and boast of perfection and keep people in the constant know of each mundane choke of life's banal day to day. i am a child of space dust and soil.  i'm fragile like whitening velveteen petals that drop. i'm sand melted into glass, reflecting back a fractured, cracked image, zombie like and grotesque.  i am the rock, the bird, the tree.  i am calm and tumultuous. i am tidy and a slob. i am all and all are me. impartial.  never ending.  tao. ]


[natalie fineman is an award winning poet who has been published in various online publications, including snozzzzberry.  she loves daffodils and lo mein.]

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